There's something to the patterns in the trend balls but there's another pattern that I've noticed, which may exist in order to circumvent folks from either playing the pattern or playing the antipattern:
1. A pattern very similar to the one in the OP emerges and plays out several times until anyone paying attention can see it and raises prior to getting fucked e
2. Pattern breaks after going on long enough everyone thinks they've figured it out and will be driving a Lambo by morning. Alternatively, if the break is ending a long downtrend, it will be a surprising jump, 1.05x to 18x kinda thing
3. The martingale losers / missed opportunity types then raise their bet, typically using the double button one or more times
4. When "boom", pattern reverts. Fucking the same players once again - and wiping many out of the game completely if they've been overextending themselves and using poor discipline
There may be a winning strategy IF the "meat" of the pattern is recognizable by a machine learning system (and I have reason to believe it is, however my algorithm is not optimized and takes 10 mins (not the 6 seconds between games it needs to fit into)
A little tip for y'all... Anyone who sells crash scripts without the source code is either slinging bullshit or stealing accounts.
For anyone smart enough to get it right 52% or more of the time will doubtless be smart enough to understand compounding - and VPNs, so they'll spend the night testing their strategy and spinning up fake accounts to get around maxbet provisions, and by morning, "CRASH" will be a thing of the past (while the player will release the code for free, embarrassing the casino and ensuring that games with similarly unfair hash chains are replaced immediately with commercial bullshit nobody in crypto would ever play)
Me, I would be so drunk by that point I wouldn't give a fuck amount much - except backing up my withdrawal wallets and making sure my 2fa is secure.