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  1. 9527


    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/bkbxgkP1ymA?si=MxLAaU3R7pmy3Aub" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe> async function swich() { document.getElementsByTagName('button')[7].click(); await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 4000)); document.getElementsByTagName('button')[8].click(); } swich(); var Start_Auto_swich = setInterval(swich,8000);
  2. After many days of research and now it worked Good luck to everyone https://www.youtube.com/embed/bkbxgkP1ymA?si=g3gL74kl6zZUPmxH
  3. The code I've been using for a while, unfortunately BCGAME has now disabled cd, hdg, lbg.... They hate who use scirpt //Classic Dice function CDAuto() { const minbet = cd.minAmount.toNumber(); const htmlToElement = function(html) { let template = document.createElement('template'); html = html.trim(); template.innerHTML = html; return template.content.firstChild; } document.querySelector('#ClassicDice-control-0 > div.ui-radio.game-control-switch > button > div.label').innerHTML = 'Script'; document.querySelector('#ClassicDice-control-0 > div.game-control-panel div.ui-input.small.is-disabled').style.display = 'none'; document.querySelector('#ClassicDice-control-0 > div.game-control-panel .game-coininput').style.display = 'none'; document.querySelector('#ClassicDice-control-0 > div.game-control-panel > div > button.bet-button').style.display = 'none'; this.funding = htmlToElement('<div class="ui-input small"><div class="input-label">Bet amount</div><div class="input-control"><input type="text" value="0.001" id="betamount"></div></div>'); this.startButton = htmlToElement('<button class="ui-button button-big s-conic start-auto" style="margin-top:15px"><div class="button-inner">Start Auto</div></button>'); this.stopButton = htmlToElement('<button class="ui-button button-big s-conic2 stop-auto" style="margin-top:15px"><div class="button-inner">Stop Auto</div></button>'); this.stopButton.style.display = 'none'; document.querySelector('#ClassicDice-control-0 > div.game-control-panel > div').appendChild(this.funding); document.querySelector('#ClassicDice-control-0 > div.game-control-panel > div').appendChild(this.startButton); document.querySelector('#ClassicDice-control-0 > div.game-control-panel > div').appendChild(this.stopButton); this.currentBet = 0; this.betamount = 0; this.W_streak = 0; this.resolveBet = (betlog) => { if (betlog.winAmount > 0) { this.W_streak += 1; if (this.W_streak > 2) { // Reset to base this.currentBet = this.betamount; } else { this.currentBet *= 4 } } else { cd.changeToggleWin(); this.W_streak = 0; this.currentBet *= 4; } } this.cplay = () => { cd.bet(this.currentBet).then(this.resolveBet).then(() => { if (!this.stopped) { setTimeout(() => { this.cplay(); }, 10); } }); } this.start = () => { this.betamount = parseFloat(document.querySelector('#betamount').value); this.stopped = false; this.stopButton.style.display = ''; this.startButton.style.display = 'none'; cd.isHigh = true; cd.betChance = 90; this.currentBet = this.betamount; this.cplay(); } this.stop = () => { this.startButton.style.display = ''; this.stopButton.style.display = 'none'; this.stopped = true; } this.startButton.onclick = this.start; this.stopButton.onclick = this.stop; } const cdauto = new CDAuto();
  4. hdg, lbg, cd are not defined now @Skele please help, how can I reuse the script in the console. Thanks You
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